
Miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are prevalent in eukaryotic genomes, which are believed to be truncated derivatives of DNA transposons. MITEs usually have terminal inverted repeats (TIR), flanked by short direct repeats (also called target site duplication, TSD). MITEs are often short (< 800 bp) and do not encode transposases. Full-length MITEs from sequenced plant genomes were identified using MITE-hunter and RSPB (Han and Wessler, 2010; Lu et al., 2012), and then annotated manually. All MITE sequences were classified into superfamilies and families based on structure and sequence characteristics. One or a few full-length MITE sequences (called seed sequence) from each family were used as query sequences to search for related sequences from a genome using RepeatMask.

  • Insertion of a CACTA transposon attenuates LsGLK in lettuce


  • Model for MITEs in shaping the miRNA repertoires in angiosperm


Species Shortcut
  • Aquilegia coerulea

  • Arabidopsis lyrata

  • Arabidopsis thaliana

  • Brachypodium distachyon

  • Brassica rapa

  • Cajanus cajan

  • Cannabis sativa

  • Capsella rubella

  • Carica papaya

  • Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

  • Chlorella variabilis

  • Citrullus lanatus

  • Citrus sinensis

  • Coccomyxa subellipsoidea

  • Cucumis melo

  • Cucumis sativus

  • Eucalyptus grandis

  • Fragaria vesca

  • Glycine max

  • Jatropha curcas

  • Linum usitatissimum

  • Lotus japonicus

  • Malus domestica

  • Manihot esculenta

  • Medicago truncatula

  • Mimulus guttatus

  • Musa acuminata

  • Oryza sativa

  • Phoenix dactylifera

  • Physcomitrella patens

  • Populus trichocarpa

  • Prunus persica

  • Ricinus communis

  • Selaginella moellendorffii

  • Setaria italica

  • Solanum lycopersicum

  • Solanum tuberosum

  • Sorghum bicolor

  • Thellungiella halophila

  • Thellungiella parvula

  • Thellungiella salsuginea

  • Theobroma cacao

  • Vitis vinifera

  • Volvox carteri

  • Zea mays


Chen J, Hu Q, Zhang Y, Lu C, Kuang H. P-MITE: a database for plant miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014. 42:D1176-81.

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